Interim Management

When companies lose a key executive, reach a crisis inflection point, or need to undergo a change or transition, Opportune can step in and act as a stabilizing force – as an interim Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or Chief Restructuring Officer.

Members of the Opportune leadership team have held management roles throughout their careers and bring the stability, credibility, and leadership skills required to achieve the organizational missions of our clients.

Opportune can assist our clients with Interim Management roles in the following ways:

  • Act as a stopgap while an executive search is underway

  • Serve as an un-biased executive to a carve-out or designated entity that requires unbiased leadership

  • Assume the role of Chief Restructuring Officer during a financial restructuring either in or out of a Ch. 11 proceeding

  • Serve as Crisis Manager and facilitate negotiations or dispute resolution

  • Serve as interim manager during a time of transition or implementation of major initiatives or projects to drive success and value to stakeholders